ROLL FOR RICHES draws every Friday in MARCH from 6pm-10pm - UP TO $16,000 in CASH to be WON!close-btn



Thinking of joining but you’d like to how much it costs and what you get out of it? After reading this we’re

sure you will. When you join you will automatically become part of our Pinnacle Rewards program, offering

amazing rewards through out the club.


Dress Code

An appropriate dress standard and hygiene level is required to ensure our customers’ expectations of comfort, neatness, cleanliness and appearance are met. The following attire is not acceptable in the club at any time:

  • Dirty, ripped, torn or soiled clothing or work uniforms
  • Clothing bearing offensive slogans or pictures
  • Face paint or disguises
  • Hats, caps (except for medical reasons and special VIP Events)
  • Dirty, worn or damaged footwear, Ugg boots, crocs
  • No thongs after 6pm
  • Beachwear or swimsuits
  • Men’s singlets or tank tops
  • Steel cap boots and any other forms of work boots after 6pm weekdays and at anytime on Saturday and Sunday.
  • No High VIS
  • No backpacks, knapsacks or unauthorised briefcases, luggage or parcels
  • Any other clothing deemed not to be neat, tidy or appropriate by Harrup Park management. i.e exposed midriff above belly button.

The level of appropriate attire and standard of hygiene is at the discretion of Harrup Park. We reserve the right to refuse entry to any patron or guest that does not meet these criteria.